Revival Week #124

The River 1580 Nortonville Road, Nortonville, KY, United States

Sunday at 10:30AM and  6:30PM with Pastor Clint Hopper.  Monday at 7PM with Bishop Lance Johnson at the West KY Revival. 1580 Nortonville Rd, Nortonville KY at The River #WestKYRevival Prayer […]

1-Day Worship Intensive!

The River 1580 Nortonville Road, Nortonville, KY, United States

Matthew & Emma Back have a passion to lead people to encounters with God through worship and to equip worship teams through experiential training. They serve on the senior leadership […]


Revival Week #126

The River 1580 Nortonville Road, Nortonville, KY, United States

Sunday at 10:30AM at 6:30PM  and  Monday at 7PM with Bishop Lance Johnson at the West KY Revival. 1580 Nortonville Rd, Nortonville KY at The River #WestKYRevival Prayer starts 45 minutes […]

Revival Week #127

The River 1580 Nortonville Road, Nortonville, KY, United States

Sunday at 10:30AM and  6:30PM. The speaker for Sunday has not been announced yet.   Monday will be  at 7PM with Bishop Lance Johnson at the West KY Revival. 1580 Nortonville […]

Revival Week #128

The River 1580 Nortonville Road, Nortonville, KY, United States

Sunday at 10:30AM at  6:30PM  and  Monday at 7PM at the West KY Revival. 1580 Nortonville Rd, Nortonville KY at The River #WestKYRevival Prayer starts 45 minutes before service!

Revival Week #129

The River 1580 Nortonville Road, Nortonville, KY, United States

Sunday at 10:30AM at  6:30PM  and  Monday at 7PM at the West KY Revival. 1580 Nortonville Rd, Nortonville KY at The River #WestKYRevival Prayer starts 45 minutes before service!

Revival Week #130

The River 1580 Nortonville Road, Nortonville, KY, United States

Sunday at 10:30AM at  6:30PM  and  Monday at 7PM at the West KY Revival. 1580 Nortonville Rd, Nortonville KY at The River #WestKYRevival Prayer starts 45 minutes before service!

Revival Week #131 7/2, no Service 7/3

The River 1580 Nortonville Road, Nortonville, KY, United States

Sunday at 10:30AM at  6:30PM  and  Monday at 7PM at the West KY Revival. 1580 Nortonville Rd, Nortonville KY at The River #WestKYRevival Prayer starts 45 minutes before service!