The Thorough Gospel of Luke
Discover details about the life of Jesus that you won’t find in the other gospels! Luke documents Jesus’ genealogy back to Adam, and includes excerpts of the life of the Son of God that are amazing! The Gospel of Luke records 24 parables, 29 healings, and 15 examples of Jesus casting out devils!
The Book
The 24-chapter gospel of Luke was written by a Gentile to the Gentiles! Luke is thorough! Although he was not one of the original 12 disciples, Luke had a front-row seat to the birth of the church and the mighty exploits of the Apostle Paul!
About the Writer of the Gospel of Luke
Like the other gospels, his name is not written in the book, but as the title infers, Luke is considered the writer of this magnificent account of the life of Jesus Christ. Luke covers the other writers do not such as the details of the birth of Jesus, His circumcision, what He did when He was twelve, the ascension, and much more!
Interestingly, Luke proves his occupation as a Physician by correctly using medical terms when writing about sicknesses.
You’ll get more details about the teachings of Jesus as Luke records 18 parables not found elsewhere including the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son!

Why Luke is a Legend
The fact that Luke traveled with a man such as Paul is a miracle in itself! Paul makes mention of the famous physician 3 times in his gospels. The duo made the perfect tag team in the Kingdom! Together, they wrote over half of the New Testament. Luke wrote more in volume, while Paul wrote more in the number of books.
Luke penned both the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. It is because of this Gentile that we know about the upper room outpouring and the chronicles of the apostle Paul. Luke was on the ship with Paul when they crashed and ended up in Malta. Luke was there when the viper fastened on Paul’s hand.
Comparing the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Luke Overview Video